Apex Health Care Project
Bally has got a rich cultural heritage. It has produced many renowned and personalities in all spheres like academy, sports, culture, social services famous etc. In such a glorious land, a group of young and energetic volunteers motivated by the Ideals of the National Association of Apex Clubs of India has initiated the Apex movement in Bally and established APEX CLUB OF BALLY in the year 1967.
Initially the founder members as well as their immediate successors used to collect old news papers to sell those to procure funds for the projects or to clean the vehicles at the toll tax point Bally Vivekananda Bridge to procure funds. It this APEX movement as well as Apex Club of Bally got a wide publicity in Bally as well as in the neighboring areas. With the first ideal Apex, 'service the basis of all enterprise' the first permanent service, 'Apex Outdoor Children Clinic' was launched in the year 1979 in the 'International Year for the Children'. At that time there was an acute deficiency in specialized child health care service in Bally and adjacent area. Our clinic was equipped with Specialized Pediatricians and all sorts on immunization facilities like Polio, Antigen, Measles, MMR, Hepatitis‐B etc.
In course of time the members felt there is also another deficiency of pathological services in the locality and in the year 1983, the second service project, 'Apex Pathological Clinic' was established.
Both the Apex Children Clinic and Pathological Laboratory provided active support for postnatal care and pathological tests of Kedarnath Arogya Bhawan, the adjacent Municipal Maternity Hospital. Members used to take active parts to render all these services to the less privileged people of the community. Altruistic service was ensured at a very nominal price. Apex set a standard of diagnostic treatment in the locality. That was the very beginning of Apex Health Care Projects.
After that in the passage of time the multi‐ dimensional demand of the neighborhood has increased and simultaneously the expectations of our patrons have also been increased.
The dedicated Apexians of this club, motivated by the second ideal of Apex, 'developed by example a more intelligent and aggressive citizenship'. The manifestation is the 'Apex Health Care Project' which is multi‐dimensional in nature and scale. Day to day different services has been added by the tireless efforts of Apexians.
Motivated by the third ideal of Apex, 'forming enduring friendship, rendering altruistic services and building better communities' Apexians of this club enjoyed works as a group of friends to design, develop and operate these altruistic services for the benefit of the community in a cohesive and reciprocated way.
Thus a better community is formed who feel proud of Apex Projects. That is the key of success of Apex Health Care Projects.
In the year 1979, the 'Apex Children Clinic' has started functioning from a 10 feet x 10 feet space spared by the local Municipality. In 1983 'Apex Pathological Clinic' as well as Apex Children Clinic started functioning from a two rooms space of an old Municipal Building. Today we are our owning the same building by the generosity of Bally Municipality. The old single storied building has been renovated to a sophisticated double storied building in different phases since last 30 years. Today the Apex Clinic has an area of 1450 sq ft in a two storied building and started multidimensional Apex Health Care Projects with latest diagnostic gadgets supported by a group of specialist doctors and well trained technicians in different phases under single roof.